
A page dedicated to those that looked at our timetable and went 'wtf?'


Flare offers many different types of classes with ranging styles. So many that it can get confusing to read the timetable 😂 So this page is dedicated to those who had a look and thought: ‘wtf?’ (or maybe you actually want to find out more information on our classes).

If you’re interested, scroll down to learn about the different types of classes we have! We cater to any level of experience so just come and have fun!


Learn, make friends and have fun!
  • Open to all Flare members
  • General one-off classes taught by experienced instructors within and outside of Flare
  • Class will consist of foundation techniques and/or a short choreography
  • Just dance, learn and enjoy yourself!
  • Classes labeled with [Casual]
Level Explanation
Technique Strong focus on building foundation skills/techniques in the relevant style. Highly recommended for beginners and anyone who wants to brush up on their foundations.

Beginner No technique required (relevant techniques will often be gone over in the class itself). Great for newcomers as everything will be broken down and gone over at a comfortable pace.

Intermediate    Generally more fast-paced than a [Beginner] class, however the pacing of the class will be relatively flexible to cater to those in attendance. So, even if you’re a beginner and feel like it’ll be too difficult, don’t be shy; challenging yourself is how you grow!

Advanced A moderate level of technique is recommended as choreographers will go at a faster pace, however those with minimal training are still encouraged to attend because (as mentioned above) growth & challenges go hand-in-hand​.


Gain insight from guest teachers!
  • ​Open to members and non-members
  • Choreographers from outside of Flare are invited to teach a class
  • Class highlights are filmed and uploaded on our YouTube channel
  • Classes labeled with [External]
  • External class prices:
    • Members: $7 for one class and $10 for two
    • Non-members: $10 for one class and $15 for two
  • Workshop prices:
    • Members: $20 for one class and $30 for two
    • Non-members: $25 for one class and $35 for two


Learn, Practice and Improve!
  • Open to all Flare members
  • Perfect for beginners!
  • Designed to help you build foundation and get exposure to a specific style in a short amount of time
  • Run over 4 classes in a 2-3 week period
  • The choreographers have designed it so that you get the most benefit by attending all 4 classes (you can also treat it like a casual class and just attend one or two if you can’t make all 4)
  • Each Short Course will be run slightly differently and the choreographer/s will explain its structure in more detail before the Short Course commences
  • Classes labeled with [Short Course]


Learn, Practice and Perform!
  • Open to all Flare members
  • Video projects have a focus on developing new dancers (and choreographers) over a short period of time
  • Occur in ‘courses’ and generally consist of four classes (based on one choreography) taught over two weeks
  • Essentially an extended casual class, it allows time for dancers to practice and improve between classes
  • At the end of the course, dancers will part in the filming of a short video (check out some of our previous videos here!)
  • Classes labeled with [Video Project]


Perform at Events!
  • Short routines taught for various smaller-scale events throughout the year such as the UMSU Night Market and Flare’s Cocktail Night
  • Consists of a series of classes over some period of time beginning with an [OPEN GIG] class, followed by an [OPEN CASTING] class and then a number of [CLOSED GIG] classes up until performance day (terms explained below)
  • Commitment will be expected of you should you want to perform in the piece as there will be weekly rehearsals, however Open classes can essentially be treated as Casual classes if you do not intend to perform
  • Classes are Open until choreographers call for Casting
  • Classes labeled with [OPEN GIG], [OPEN CASTING] and [CLOSED GIG]


Perform for our Production!
  • Longer routines taught for the purposes of Flare’s annual end-of-year Production (arguably the biggest event in Flare’s calendar)
  • Preparation begins in the middle of Semester 1 and rehearsals will occur weekly (except over the Winter Break) until Production in late Semester 2
  • Some pieces may have two rounds of casting (one in Semester 1 and another in Semester 2) and some may have only one round (in Semester 1)
  • Commitment will be expected of you should you want to perform in the piece, however Open classes can essentially be treated as Casual classes if you do not intend to perform
  • Classes are Open until choreographers call for Casting
  • Classes labeled with [OPEN PROD], [CASTING PROD] and [CLOSED PROD]